Special Interest Groups

CIfA's Special Interest Groups represent different specialisms and themes across the historic environment sector. They were formed by CIfA members who want to promote the Institute's work and provide a forum for discussion regarding good practice and assist in setting high professional standards. Groups also present specialist views through the Advisory Council and respond to consultations from external bodies when requested.


CIfA Archaeological Archives Group logo


The group's aims include focusing on issues relating to professional standards, best practice, advocacy and access, and the promotion of archaeological archives within the profession.

CIfA Buildings Archaeology Group logo

Buildings Archaeology

The group aims to promote the analysis of the built environment and to raise awareness of buildings archaeology approaches with other professionals within the built heritage sector.

CIfA Community Archaeology Group logo

Community Archaeology

The group's aims include the provision of a recognised voice within CIfA for furthering the interests of community archaeologists and delivery of community engagement.

CIfA Diggers' Forum logo

Diggers' Forum

The Diggers’ Forum is committed to creating a positive, sustainable and financially viable career for all professional archaeologists working out on site, regardless of their career stage.

CIfA Early Careers Group logo

Early Careers

The Early Careers Group for anyone in the early stages of their archaeological career, or for those who want to share their skills and experience with early career professionals.

CIfA Finds Group logo


The Finds Group produces and reviews standards, guidance and toolkits, and represents the interests of those working with archaeological finds in all areas of activity within CIfA.

CIfA Forensic Archaeology Group logo

Forensic Archaeology

The group promotes good practice in forensic archaeology work to ensure that appropriate standards and guidance for forensic archaeology are adopted, maintained and enforced.

CIfA Graphics Archaeology Group logo


The group for all aspects of visualisation within the heritage sector, including illustration, survey, photography, geospatial analysis, reconstruction art or any other form of imaging/visualisation.

CIfA Heritage Crime Group logo

Heritage Crime

The group aims to raise awareness of the impact of heritage and cultural property crime and support prevention through the signposting of resources, including training and guidance.

CIfA Human Osteology Group logo

Human Osteoarchaeology

The Human Osteoarchaeology Group represents the interests of professionals who work, or have an interest in, the area of human osteoarchaeology and burial studies.

CIfA Information Management Group logo

Information Management

The group aims to promote good practice relevant to the management of all aspects of the historic environment and wider heritage sector through the activities of CIfA.

CIfA International Practice Group logo

International Practice

The group advises CIfA on international practice and provides a forum for historic environment professionals working on initiatives based outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Landscape Special Interest Group logo


The Landscape Special Interest Group has been formed to highlight the importance of establishing a robust and suitably broad record, characterisation and understanding of the historic and contemporary landscape.

CIfA Marine Archaeology Group logo

Marine Archaeology

The group provides a forum for practicing marine archaeologists and advises CIfA Advisory Council on issues relevant to underwater sites, intertidal and nautical archaeology.

CIfA Project Management Group logo

Project Management

The PMSIG provides a forum for all those in the profession managing and delivering projects across the historic environment sector, irrespective of project role, stage or type.

CIfA Research and Impact Group logo

Research and Impact

The Research and Impact Group provides a platform to inspire and support archaeological research across the commercial, academic and community sectors.