The Diggers’ Forum (DF) is committed to creating a positive, sustainable and financially viable career for all professional archaeologists working out on site, irrelevant at what point in their career they are at. The group formed in 2004 to represent the views, aspirations and professional requirements of its members, pay and conditions within the profession. The views of those new to a career in archaeology, or who are employed at the lower rungs of the job, are under-represented in the industry. It is a key aim of the Diggers’ Forum to voice the views of those who tend be on the 'lower rungs' of the job and create, therefore, a balance in industry representation as well as keep the issue and welfare of its membership at the top of CIfA's agenda.
We achieve this aim by providing up to date news and information to its members, as well as actively encouraging debate and involvement within the group and the rest of CIfA. You can read in detail about our group's goals by reading our three year plan.
Join us and make our voice that bit louder.
Policy Statements
Diggers’ Forum statement on a minimum level of competence adopted as CIfA Policy has been agreed and incorporated into the CIfA policy on the use of training posts in archaeological projects.
The statement sets out the minimum level of competence expected of a practising archaeologist as that required for Practitioner grade. Working archaeologists who have not yet achieved this, should be part of a structured training programme to help achieve PCIfA level competence within a defined time-frame. PCIfA level competence is defined as the competence required to ‘undertake skilled tasks within the historic environment sector under the guidance of others, and carry out responsible work under a level of supervision’.
Explore more information about how CIfA defines and assesses competence.
TAG2019 'An Archaeologist's view of consortiums' outlines and discusses the results of the Diggers' Forum survey on consortium working and provides some suggestions based on the the report's results: