Dissemination of complaints and allegations

In the event of a reprimand, suspension or expulsion as the result of a professional conduct investigation, the Institute will publish a report including the name of the individual or Registered Organisation involved and the details of the sanction decided, unless there are exceptional compassionate grounds for not doing so. The Institute may also make this information known to third parties by other means.

The Institute will normally arrange for a review of completed allegations approximately every two years by a lay person (who is not a member of the Institute). The outcome of the review is reported to the Board of Directors and a summary of the report will be published in The Archaeologist.

Formal review of CIfA’s professional conduct procedures:

  • 2020 - Announcement of the result of a professional conduct investigation
  • 2019 - Announcement of the result of a professional conduct investigation
  • 2017-18 - Annual review (The Archaeologist 106, p.28)
  • 2018 - Announcement of the result of a professional conduct investigation (The Archaeologist 104, p.32)
  • 2016-17 - Annual review (The Archaeologist 103, p.18)
  • 2017 - Review of CIfA’s handling of complaints against Registered Organisations (The Archaeologist 100, p.26)
  • 2015-16 - Annual review (The Archaeologist 98, p.31)
  • 2015 - Report on disciplinary cases and complaints against Registered Organisations (The Archaeologist 95, p.25)
  • 2013-14 - Annual review (The Archaeologist 94, p.40)
  • 2014 - Announcement of the result of a disciplinary investigation (The Archaeologist 92, p.47)
  • 2012-2013 - Formal review of disciplinary procedures (The Archaeologist 89, p.57)
  • 2011-2012 - Formal review of disciplinary procedures (The Archaeologist 85, p.33)
  • 2010 - Formal review of disciplinary procedures (The Archaeologist 83, p.46)
  • 2009 - Announcements of the results of disciplinary investigations (The Archaeologist 73, p.5)
  • 2007 - Announcement of the result of a disciplinary investigation (The Archaeologist 63, p.44)
  • 2005-2006 - Formal review of disciplinary procedures (The Archaeologist 62, p.5)