
CIfA undertakes a range of funded projects, either unilaterally or in partnership with others, to support the delivery of our strategic plan objectives. You can find details of some of our recent projects below. For more information, or to discuss opportunities for collaboration, please contact

Evaluating impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment: review of practice & guidance

Funder: Historic England

This project will undertake a review of current practice in relation to the evaluation of impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment, with a particular focus on archaeological remains.

Developing the Pottery Standard Toolkit

2023 - ongoing
Funder: Historic England

Work is now underway on transforming the published A Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology (Barclay et al 2016) into an online Toolkit to form part of the suite already available.

Community Archaeology Toolkit

2022 - ongoing
Funder: Historic England

A project that aimed to support the embedding of community engagement into sector practice across the UK, and to provide a framework to promote good and innovative implementation.

Qualitative inequalities research for the archaeology sector

2022 - 2023
Funder: Historic England

CIfA received funding from Historic England to conduct qualitative research amongst the archaeological profession and student population studying archaeology.

Re-designing workplace placements to increase accessibility: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Scottish Heritage

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

A 12-month collaborative programme of engagement with Scottish heritage organisations around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Standards and guidance in Northern Ireland

2021 - ongoing
Funder: Historic Environment Fund (Department for Communities, Historic Environment Division)

CIfA was commissioned by the Department for Communities, Historic Environment Division (HED) to undertake a project focused on reviewing the applicability of Standard and guidance documentation to archaeological practice in Northern Ireland.

Evaluation Strategies Stage 1 – understanding current practice and encouraging sector engagement (EVALS1)

Funder: Historic England

The first stage of the Evaluation strategies project (EVALS1) was undertaken in partnership with FAME and aimed to develop and implement strategic improvements in the practice of archaeological field evaluation in England

21st-century Challenges for Archaeology

2020 - ongoing
Funder: Historic England

Led by Historic England and CIfA, the 21st-century Challenges for Archaeology programme brings together colleagues from across the archaeology sector to deliver key improvements in how archaeology is understood and managed.

CIfA Standards and guidance review

2020 - ongoing

A thorough review of the CIfA Standards and guidance (content, design, format, usability, and accessibility) is now underway and a new look suite of documents will be available towards the end of 2022.

Guidelines for the recording of archaeological materials

2020 - 2022

The aim of this project was to develop a Toolkit that provides information and resources for recording finds that will support and enhance the Toolkit for Specialist Reporting.

CIRIA Archaeology and development good practice guide revision

2020 - 2021
Funder: Construction Industry Research and Information Association

CIfA is working as a specialist consultant to provide expert input and quality assurance on a project to revise the 2008 CIRIA publication Archaeology and development - a good practice guide to managing risk and maximising benefit.

Re-imagining Scottish Archaeology: structure, funding, and delivery workshop series and report

Funder: Historic Environment Scotland

This project organised three workshops to generate new ideas about the structure, funding and delivery of archaeology in Scotland, supporting the 'Delivering Archaeology' aim of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy.

Digital Archives in Archaeology

2019 - ongoing

The question of how to handle digital archives has been a hot topic for archaeology for years and now forms the focus of the Digital Archives in Archaeology project.

Developing a Finds Reporting Standards Toolkit for grey literature

2019 - 2021
Funder: Historic England

This project, funded by Historic England and led by Louise Rayner (Archaeology South-East), developed a Toolkit to improve standards in finds reporting, encompassing several recommendations made by Historic England.

Mapping the sector

2019 - 2021
Funder: Historic England

Funded by Historic England and jointly run by CIfA and ALGAO, this project will map the archaeology sector, to better understanding its structure and needs in relation to the provision of specialist advice.

Building capacity through innovation

2019 - 2021

This project was commissioned to address feedback in the 2017 21st century challenges for archaeology workshop series that highlighted a lack of innovation in developer-led archaeology. The aim of the project was to explore this observation, identify the potential barriers and issues inhibiting the wider implementation of innovative approaches and present recommendations for improvement.