Training and CPD

CIfA offers a wide range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and training across all learning levels, held around the UK in person and digitally, and many of these are CIfA Approved.

CIfA Approved Training & CPD is our brand name for training and CPD approved by us. Its logo is a quality mark that means the respective training/CPD has been assessed against a set of learning criteria.

A range of other organisations have CIfA Approved training & CPD, which includes CPD courses, field schools and excavation training, Registered Organisations in-house employee training and Historic England courses. These are listed on our weekly Jobs Information Service and Training (JIST) bulletin (free to CIfA members), alongside up to date job adverts.

CIfA training and professional development

CIfA Special Interest and Area groups hold training, CPD and networking events around the UK in person and digitally. Many are a reduced price or free for CIfA members.

The CIfA annual conference and training event includes many CPD training workshops and opportunities for learning from discussion sessions and seminars.

You can also watch our event recordings to review sessions from festivals, workshops and webinars.

The CIfA e-learning portal offers a range of elearning courses (free to CIfA members), which provide a downloadable certificate on completion to record CPD.

CIfA Approved training

External CPD, training or courses (not CIfA Approved)