CIfA Approved Training & CPD

CIfA Approved Training and CPD logo

CIfA Approved Training & CPD is our brand name for training and CPD approved by us. It is a quality mark as any training or CPD or other learning opportunity carrying the 'CIfA Approved Training & CPD' logo will have been assessed against a set of learning criteria.

CIfA promotes high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice and only training  or CPD opportunities which have been quality assured by CIfA can carry this logo.

It is designed to provide appropriate and achievable learning outcomes, mapped to National Occupational Standards and delivered by competent trainers. It will include strong emphasis on developing your CPD portfolio and will offer certification for the purposes of CPD, meeting CIfA’s CPD requirements of 50 hours over two years that will help you to build your knowledge and experience in recognised areas of professional competence.

If you’d like to find out more about CIfA’s Approved Training & CPD scheme, whether you are a learner or a training provider, explore our Careers Kit or contact Anna at See also our guide for learners:

Current CIfA Approved training

Employers and training providers

If you are an employer or training provider, see below for information about why you should consider CIfA approval for your learning opportunities and what criteria they should meet:

See also our guide for employers and training providers: