Professional conduct and complaint procedures

CIfA's accredited professionals (PCIfA, ACIfA and MCIfA) and Registered Organisations have agreed to be bound by an ethical code, have demonstrated the necessary technical and ethical competence for their accreditation, and are subject to the oversight of peers.

Our professional conduct process and its sanctions provide that oversight, underpinning an institute’s primary function of public and consumer protection, ensuring that clients and society in general receive the best possible service from the profession. In fulfilling this role, the Institute also protects the reputation of other accredited professionals.

It is not just public or clients who may raise allegations of professional conduct. It is important that individuals and/or organisations are able to raise their concerns with CIfA if they believe an accredited professional and/or Registered Organisations has failed to comply with the Code of conduct.

Allegations may also refer to other relevant regulations, standards and guidance or policy statements. Professional conduct allegations are dealt with in accordance with the regulations for professional conduct.

In addition, complaints can also be made against CIfA which can come about from dissatisfaction about any aspect of CIfA’s services, including actions of a member of staff or individual member of the Board of Directors or Advisory Council.

The links below provide more information about making a complaint and our professional conduct process.