
CIfA recognises the benefits of fostering close collaborations with other organisations, allowing us to promote our shared interests.

We have established Memoranda of Understandings (MoU's) with the organisations listed below. MoU's are formal but non-legally-binding statements of intent that seek to foster a collaborative working relationship between CIfA and the organisation named in the MoU. There purpose is to help the two organisations understand each other, by setting out the established relative remits of the two organisations and identifying areas of potential collaboration. They canalso be valuable in helping others understand the organisations’ legitimate similarities and differences of roles and perspectives.

Council for British Archaeology

CIfA and CBA act as leading opinion formers and independent advisors to government, heritage sector partners and other decision-makers. Together, they represent a strong voice for the sector, bringing sufficient resources, remit and record to provide a partnership for archaeological advocacy.

Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e.V (DGUF)

The MoU with DGUF recognises that both organisations have a commitment to the promotion of archaeology, care for our cultural heritage and good practice in archaeology for the benefit of archaeological research, heritage and practice, the social valuing of archaeology and our societies.

European Association of Archaeologists

The MoU recognises that the EAA is an association for all archaeologists of Europe and beyond: it is a community which helps to improve archaeological method, practice and understanding by discussion with EAA members through its annual conferences and publications. The MoU also identifies CIfA as the leading professional body representing archaeologists, open to applicants from anywhere in the world and from any archaeological discipline: it accredits archaeologists as professionals, promoting high standards and strong ethics. 

Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers (FAME)

CIfA and FAME are invested in ensuring a healthy and sustainable future for the archaeological sector; promoting archaeology that is recognised for giving value to the public and clients; different matters of procurement and commissioning; provision of training, conferences and networking to members and others; and environmental sustainability.

Historic England

This Memorandum of Understanding between Historic England and CIfA sets out the basis for cooperating on addressing the most urgent and important challenges identified by our joint project Twenty-first-century challenges for archaeology.

Institute of Historic Buildings Conservation

CIfA and the Institute of Historic Buildings Conservation (IHBC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the intention of both institutes to develop a more structured partnership and creates new possibilities to enhance complementary membership benefits.

Register of Professional Archaeologists

CIfA and the Register of Professional Archaeologists formally signed a memorandum of understanding commiting both organisations to the promotion of professionalism and ethical good practice in archaeology.