Introduction to careers

The Careers kit provides a set of resources to help plan and build a career in archaeology. At the moment these resources relate primarily to working in archaeology in the UK, but we will add information on working in other countries soon.

The Careers kit explains what working in archaeology is like, provides information on jobs, training and continuing professional development (CPD).

Who is the Careers kit for?

  • anyone who wants to take the first steps into a career in archaeology
  • archaeologists wanting to progress their career
  • those wanting to change careers
  • those returning to archaeological work after a break
  • careers advisers, to use in schools, colleges and with those seeking employment
  • teachers wanting to support young people to make informed choices
  • employers and training providers, to inform them about current training and qualifications for the historic environment sector

Find out more

Information for future archaeologists

What is archaeology and what do archaeologists do? Explore the fundamentals of starting a career in archaeology here!

My archaeological career

Hear from existing CIfA members about how they began and progressed their careers in archaeology.

Information for teachers

Access CIfA's information for teachers on supporting young people who wish to explore a career in archaeology.

Information for careers advisers

Access CIfA's information for careers advisors on supporting young people who wish to explore a career in archaeology.

Information for training providers

Access CIfA's information for training providers who offer courses and guidance for those wishing to progress their career in archaeology.

Information for employers

Access CIfA's information for employers on supporting staff members who wish to progress their career in archaeology.