Governance and committees

The Institute is a democratic membership organisation and is governed by its Royal Charter and by-laws.

In October of each year the CIfA holds an Annual General Meeting. Recent annual reports can be found within our Publications section.

Governance and committees

  • Board of Directors: responsible for managing the affairs of CIfA in accordance with the Charter, by-law and regulations, with the day to day running of CIfA carried out by the staff.
  • Advisory Council: represents the interests of the membership and offer thoughtful and detailed advice to the Board of Directors on policy, strategy and potentially controversial decisions.
  • Committees: with delegated authority from the Board to assess applications for accreditation or to to support the Board of Directors in delivering its strategy for equality, diversity and inclusion.
Diagram showing the governance structure of CIfA.
Governance structure of CIfA

Conflicts of interest

CIfA has a conflict of interest policy (available below in both PDF and Word formats) and members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Council are asked, on an annual basis, to declare their interests, or the interests of an employer, associate, family member or close personal contact. These should include perceived as well as actual conflicts of interest. Details of conflicts of interest are kept on a central register and full details can be found on the online register (Link) for those that have agreed to share this information.