Employer archaeologist training posts are a valuable way for archaeologists to gain skills and experience in real work situations. They must be structured, supervised and promote high standards of ethical and responsible behaviour. Practitioner accreditation (PCIfA) represents the minimum level of competence of a practicing archaeologist.
In order for your employer archaeologist training post to receive the CIfA Approved Training & CPD mark, you must be able to demonstrate that it’s goal is to equip your employee with PCIfA-level competence.
To get things started please contact Anna Welch at CIfA at approvedcpd@archaeologists.net for an informal discussion. Once you are ready to get your employer training post assessed, we ask you to submit written evidence to support an application for it to become CIfA Approved Training & CPD. This is appraised against the assessment criteria outlined here. Your employer archaeologist training post is then approved, or we give you feedback and you can resubmit.
Any CIfA Approved Training & CPD learning opportunity may be randomly selected for reassessment at any time and employer training schemes are monitored on a three-yearly cycle.
Find out more about the scheme by downloading the following PDF document: