Online e-learning modules

Welcome to CIfA's e-learning portal. Here we provide online learning courses to help you develop your knowledge and understanding regarding heritage and the historic environment.

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CIfA e-learning courses

Thumbnail of Archaeological Archives e-learning module
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members in the portal; free for non-members for one year

Archaeological archives: creating FAIR, sustainable and ethical archives

In this CPD module, you will discover why archaeological archives are so important. You will be prompted to look at archives from different perspectives and think about why we need them, as well as how we make sure they are accessible into the future. How archives appear within CIfA standards and guidance will be reviewed, why and where FAIR Principles are relevant, and how these affect your and your role within the process. The aim of the module is to understand what our professional responsibilities are around archives, and how we can all become advocates for good archives practice.

Thumbnail of Everyday Ethics e-learning module
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members; £5 for non-members

Everyday ethics: an introduction to professional ethics and developing your ethical knowledge

This module introduces professional ethics and explains how the CIfA Code of conduct, standards and guidance help us to avoid acting unethically. It gives tips on how to develop your ethical knowledge and sets out a series of everyday ethical scenarios you might encounter and asks you to consider how you might react. You can go through the case studies on your own but it might also be beneficial to discuss them with your colleagues.

Thumbnail of Making Sense of the Planning System e-learning module
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members; £5 for non-members

Making sense of the planning system: an introduction for CIfA members

This module relates professional standards to the planning system, examining where archaeologists fit in in the current and evolving system. It is relevant to you if you work in development-led archaeology, need an introduction or a refresher on the planning system, or would like some more detailed background to how the system works and why it exists.

Thumbnail of Planning Your Career e-learning module
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members; £5 for non-members

Planning your career: understanding Personal Development Plans and Continuing Professional Development

Having an outline plan for your career development is important for any professional archaeologist. This e-guidance module will help you understand how to set out your Personal Development Plan and identify relevant Continuing Professional Development to support this.

Thumbnail of Professionalism in Historic Environment Practice e-learning module
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members; £5 for non-members

Professionalism in historic environment practice, an introduction

This module will test your understanding of what it means to be in professional practice in any job related to the historic environment. Its is relevant to you if you sell professional skills to others; are building your career; wonder why we have a professional institute; care about doing the right thing.

Thumbnail of Understanding Sexual Harassment in Archaeology e-learning module
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Cost: Free for CIfA members; £5 for non-members

Understanding sexual harassment in archaeology: a guide for archaeologists

This short course is an introduction to tackling sexual harassment in the workplace, tailored specifically to those employed or otherwise engaged in the archaeology sector. Produced by BAJR RESPECT, with support from CIfA and Prospect Archaeologists Branch, it brings together current legislation and recent sector research, to provide an online CPD resource accompanying the RESPECT Acting against harassment in archaeology guide (PDF). It focuses on the key issues surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace, but is not intended to replace union or legal advice.