BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Celebrating Archaeological archives DESCRIPTION: \n \n \n Price: £30 CIfA or Archives group memb er\n £45 non-member\n \n Celebrating Archaeologi cal Archives\n \n  \n \n \n Description\n \n The CIfA Archaeological Archives Group (AAG) would lik e to spend this year’s day conference and AGM ge tting back to basics and reminding ourselves why w e all get together in the first place - to share g ood practice and celebrate archaeological archives . \n \n This conference will fit in with the foll owing aims of the group\n \n \n to focus upon iss ues relating to professional standards\, best prac tice\, advocacy and access.\n to promote of aware ness of archaeological archives within the profess ion.\n to represent the interest of those working with archives.\n to hold seminars and workshops to facilitate the above.\n to establish relations hips with other groups associated with archaeologi cal archives.\n \n \n Agenda\n \n 09:30 - Registra tion (Tea/coffee available)\\\n 10:20 - Welcome\,  Sam Paul\n 10:25 - Archiving: What is the point?\ , Ben Donnelly-Symes\, Northants ARC\n 10:50 - Wh at’s in the Box? A Review of Archaeological Arch ives at The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery\, Jose ph Perry\, The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery\n 11 :15 - Getting the Most out of Temporary Displays\,  Lucy Lawrence\, Bucks County Council and Brett  Thorn\, Discover Bucks Museum\n 11:40 - Future fo r Archaeological Archives Programme Update. Clair e Tsang and Barney Sloane\, Historic England\n 11: 55 - Lunch (provided). Includes tours of the ARC\, \n 13:15 - AGM\n 13:35 - Archive\, Anecdote and A ccess: Making use of the Conserved Timber Collecti on at York Archaeology\, Steven Allen\, York Arch aeology\n 14:00 - ‘Making the Museum’ and the Archaeology of the Pitt Rivers Museum Collection\ , Beth Hodges\, Pitt Rivers Museum\, Oxford\n 14: 25 - Tea/coffee break\n 14:45 - Archaeological Ar chives and Community Engagement: 2 Case Studies\, Nina O’Hare and Kerry Whitehouse\, Worcestershir e Archives\n 15:10 - Bridging the Social Isolatio n Gap with Collections Work and Engagement with Ru ral Populations:Shropshire Museums’ Archaeology Lab Volunteering Program\, Katie Miller and Emma-K ate Lanyon\, Shropshire Museums\n 15:35 - Discussi on\n 16:00 - Close\n \n Abstracts for above sessio ns\n \n Additional info\n \n Archives Group will b e providing a minibus service from Wellingborough railway station to Chester House. We will need to know who will want a lift to/from the site on the day\, as well as their e-mail address to best arra nge the minibus runs (e.g. knowing when people exp ect to arrive at the station).\n \n Additionally\, if people are interested in ride sharing options\ , there will be a form sent post-registration aski ng for your postcode to see if we can match you wi th anyone driving.\n \n Please note: the Archaeolo gical Archives Group committee is organising the t ransport and CIfA accepts no liability as this is covered by the transport company and individuals&# 39\; insurance.\n \n Refunds\n \n A full refund ma y be given on cancellations up to two weeks before the event. As the venue requires two weeks'\; notice for catering requirements\, within two week s of the event\, refunds may only be given in exce ptional circumstances. To request a refund\, pleas e email us at CATEGORIES:Workshop CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240926T090000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240926T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240926T170000 LOCATION:Chester Farm\n NORTHAMPTONSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RES OURCE CENTRE (ARC)\n THE CHESTER HOUSE ESTATE\n CL AUDIUS WAY\n WELLINGBOROUGH\, NN8 2DH\n United Kin gdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR