BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Innovation Festival 2024 DESCRIPTION:\n \n CIfA is delighted to confirm that our fifth  festival celebrating innovation in archaeology wi ll be held on 7 - 11 October 2024 as a continuin g annual online event!\n \n Register now so you do n'\;t miss out\, a single registration gets acc ess to the full weeks sessions including any recor dings to view after the event has finished. \n \n The historic environment is rich and diverse bene fiting from a wide variety of specialisms. Collab orations spanning academic\, community-led and dev eloper-funded archaeological research provide fas cinating insights to our collective past often wit h the help of new/adapted ‘innovative’ approac hes.\n \n The Innovation Festival will provide the opportunity to showcase and celebrate the innovat ive practices and approaches being undertaken acro ss the historic environment sector\, whilst tablin g for wider discussion some of the identified barr iers and challenges to implementing innovation in archaeological research. This week-long virtual f estival will comprise a mix of short sessions e ach day including presentations\, workshops\, op portunities for open discussion\, CPD and knowledg e transfer. Click here to take a look at some of t he session recordings from our previous Innovatio n Festival.\n \n Timetable\n \n Further details co ming soon.\n \n \n \n \n  \n Monday\n Tuesday\n Wednesday\n Thursday\n Friday\ n \n \n \n \n Morning\n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n \n   \n \n \n \n Lunch\n  \n CIfA Annu al General Meeting 13.00 - 14.00\n \n  \n \n  \n  \n \n \n Afternoon\n \n  \n \n  \n \n  \n \n \ n  \n \n \n  \n \n \n \n \n \n The AGM requires separate registration so please click the link above when live or here to register .\n \n *STUDENT OFFER FOR NON-MEMBERS*\n \n If you '\;re a student but not a CIfA member we have a great offer for you! Register for the festival a s a non-member for £45.00 and get free CIfA stude nt membership until the end of the current registr ation period (31 March 2025). This will give you 6 months of access to lot'\;s of resources and C PD opportunities\, for example\, e-Learning module s\, event recordings and our catalogue of The Arc haeologist magazines. In addition you will also b e able to benefit from member rates when booking future events. If you'\;re interested\, regist er as a non-member for the event and then email Je n ( with your details and your membership will be processed.\n \n Session Descriptions\n \n To be announced.\n \n If you are interested in proposing a session for the festival please email conference@archaeologist CATEGORIES:Innovation Festival CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241007T090000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241007T090000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241011T170000 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR