BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Human Osteoarchaeology SIG Osteobites session DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n \n \n Description\n \n \n The Human Osteo archaeology SIG invites you to join us for the sec ond in our '\;Osteobites'\; series of short online talks from 18:30 until 19:30 on Wednesd ay 23 April 2025.\n \n Join us for bite-sized talk s\, followed by discussions and questions\, and t he chance to connect with fellow OsteoSIG members. \n \n Each session will have a focus on a specific topic\, and we welcome everyone regardless of the ir level of pre-existing knowledge.\n \n This sess ion will feature a talk by Human Skeletal Biolog ist\, Dr Sarah Stark - Biomolecular Archaeology in the Threat-Led Sector: Updates on Historic Englan d’s Commission Programme.\n \n Additional inform ation\n \n This session counts as 1 hour of CPD i f it meets objectives on your personal development plan.\n \n This meeting will take place on Teams\ ; the link for the meeting will be sent in the con firmation email.\n \n \n \n Event pricing\n \n Thi s event is free for all CIfA members to attend\; t his includes CIfA Group members.\n \n There is a f ee of £5  for all non-members of CIfA.\n \n If y ou are a not a CIfA or Group member you can join t he group for an annual fee of £15 to attend this and any future digital bitesize CPD and networking event run by the Group for free.\n \n More inform ation about joining a Group can be found on the G roups webpage or you can submit your details and payment information to join any groups immediately via this form.\n \n   CATEGORIES:Tea Break CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250423T183000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250423T183000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250423T193000 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR