CIfA Annual General Meeting 2023

2023 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 1pm on Tuesday 10 October via Zoom and all members are invited to attend by registering below.
AGM Notice and Annual review
The AGM notice outlining the items for discussion will be available on the Institute's website at A hard copy is available on request.
The 2023 annual review and accounts are published on the website at
Online voting for AGM resolutions
The AGM will be recorded (sound and visual) and this will be added to the CIfA YouTube channel after the meeting has finished.
All voting for resolutions in the AGM notice will take place after the meeting has finished and over a 24-hour period so that members who have been unable to attend the meeting can view the recording and discussion before casting a vote.
Votes will be cast through the website portal which requires members to log in and information about how to access the recording and cast a vote will be circulated to members. If you need guidance on how to log in to the website please contact for help.
Please note that the Head of Governance and Finance will have access to the results of the voting to ensure that those who have cast a vote are eligible to do so in terms of having paid their subscription fees; voting is strictly confidential.
The results of the vote will be announced by email to the membership as soon as possible after voting closes.
Contact us
If you have any questions at all or require any assistance in registering or accessing this event, please contact the CIfA Events team: