Accredited application guide and introduction to ethics in archaeological practice CPD Workshop
Accredited application guide and introduction to ethics in archaeological practice CPD Workshop
Looking to take those first steps with professional accreditation but not sure what those should be? This workshop will support you to develop that successful application while also developing new knowledge on the application of professional ethics.
Part one of the workshop will be led by CIfA’s Membership Manager, Lianne Birney, and will provide a step-by-step guide to the accreditation process, covering everything from the online application form to the statement of competence and everything in between. She will walk through each step of the application, ensuring you understand what CIfA’s Validation committee is looking for and how to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to them.
Part two of the workshop will be led by CIfA’s Sector Skills Manager, Cara Jones, and will introduce the concept of professional ethics and its relevance to all archaeologists, at any stage of their careers. All CIfA-accredited archaeologists have undertaken to act in accordance with our Code of conduct: professional ethics in archaeology. These rules apply to ethical decision-making in both complex and everyday environments. Because we all make ethical judgements every day. Right and wrong are not easily perceived, and decisions can be ‘more’ or ‘less’ ethically satisfactory.
Using a case study developed from real-life experiences in archaeological practice, the scenarios in this interactive workshop will allow participants to explore what happens when different roles in commercial fieldwork have conflicting motivations, and the ethical dimensions of going beyond the contract when that happens.
This CPD opportunity will help you
Create a successful application for professional accreditation
Recognise the ethical areas of your daily work
Learn easily remembered techniques for comparing options and reaching ethical decisions
practise making ethical judgements in a safe place…
… and be better prepared for similar issues later encountered in real life!
identify how you can demonstrate evidence of ethical working to support your statement of competence
Additional information
This workshop is subsidised by the Historic Environment Scotland Partnership Fund and supports the delivery of Aim 5 of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy. This funding helps subsidise the cost of delivering the workshop and enables bursary spaces. If you would like a free space on this workshop and live and/or work in Scotland, please get in touch with Cara (
Standard Attendance | £5.00 |