EIA Community debate: Digging deeper for net zero

Join us for the next Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Community Debate, held in collaboration with CIfA.
Additional info
This event will provide lightning provocations to support a wider consideration of what is involved in achieving net zero in development. The provocations will explore often under-considered greenhouse gas emissions related to a project, including heritage assessments, digital-related emissions and downstream emissions.
This is an interactive discussion intended for anyone interested in thinking through the wider carbon footprint of projects, including EIA professionals, planners and those working in archaeology and heritage assessment. We’ll be discussing changing thinking around the ‘whole-life’ of projects, from the beginning of design through to downstream effects (following the Finch case) and long-term digital data storage and digital tools. Archaeology and heritage consultancy is involved in all of these stages so come along whether you’re interested in the greenhouse gas emissions of the datacentre hosting your project archive, the future of excavation (electric plant? Better non-intrusive methods?), or how the weather conditions and soil types could impact the emissions of trial trenching.
This event will bring together specialisms working in environmental impact assessment, planning and heritage to explore how we can gain a more holistic understanding of the carbon emissions from the entire lifecycle of development. By bringing together interested professionals from CIfA and the IES we hope to share ideas, inspiration and provocation, as we work to improve our industry for the future of our communities and our planet.
How to book
To book your place please register via the EIA website at https://www.the-ies.org/events/eia-community-debate-digging. Attendance is free.