Active bystander training

This event has only 39 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 39 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 39 to avoid being put on the waiting list.

Please enter your details to book. If you're a CIfA member, please ensure that you are logged in before registering.

As this is a virtual event conducted via Zoom, your name will be listed in the Zoom participant list. By registering you understand your name will be visible to anyone participating in the meeting. Your video and microphone will also be switched off by default when joining the meeting, giving you the choice to switch these on to participate in the discussion.

(including yourself)
Fill in your registration information on this page. If you are registering additional people, you will be able to enter their registration information after you complete this page and click "Continue".
Event registration standard
If you are not a CIfA member and would like to receive email updates on future events, please select the below. Your email address will only be used for CIfA event-related email updates and will not be shared with any third party in line with GDPR regulations - you can also unsubscribe from email updates at any time.
Credit Card Information
Billing Name and Address