Directory of Accredited Professionals

The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR. 

Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.

The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.

MCIfA = Member, ACIfA = Associate, PCIfA = Practitioner

Mr Craig Stewart (PCIfA)

Consultant (Archaeology)

Mr Fraser Stewart (PCIfA)


Mr Jason Stewart (ACIfA)

Senior Geoarchaeological Consultant, rsk adas

Mr George Stewart-Phillips (ACIfA)

Senior Marine Heritage Consultant, RHDHV

Mr Jim Stewart-Turner (PCIfA)


Mrs Jane Stewart-Turner (ACIfA)


Dr Hanna Steyne (ACIfA)

Heritage Management Specialist, Wessex Archaeology

Mr Daniel Still (MCIfA)

Regional Manager

Miss Lindsey Stirling (ACIfA)

Senior Project Supervisor

Ms Megan Stoakley (MCIfA)

Assistant Post-excavation Manager

Mr Graeme Stobbs (ACIfA)

Freelance archaeologist and heritage consultant

Prof David Stocker (MCIfA)

Honorary Visiting Professor

Mr Stephen Stockley (ACIfA)

Senior Engineer

Mrs Anna Stocks (ACIfA)

Planning Archaeologist

Mrs Helen Stocks-Morgan (ACIfA)

Project Officer

Prof Simon Stoddart (MCIfA)


Prof Peter Stone (MCIfA)

UNESCO Chair in Cultural Property Protection & Peace

Mrs Gail Stoten (MCIfA)

Executive Director (Heritage)

Mrs Jennifer Strachan (PCIfA)


Mr David Strachan (MCIfA)
