Directory of Accredited Professionals
The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR.
Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.
The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.
Dr Nikki Cook (MCIfA)
Director - Historic Environment
Mrs Jessica Cook (ACIfA)
Publications Officer , Cotswold Archaeology
Mr Richard Cooke (MCIfA)
Senior Archaeologist
Dr Nick Cooke (MCIfA)
Director; Archaeology
Mr Paul Cooke (ACIfA)
Senior Heritage Consultant, AB Heritage
Dr Neil Cookson (MCIfA)
Solicitor (Property & Planning)
Mr Oliver Cooper (MCIfA)
Principal Heritage Consultant
Mr Nicholas Cooper (MCIfA)
Manager, University of Leicester Archaeological Services
Mr Eben Cooper (PCIfA)
Archaeologist , MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology - incorporating L – P : Archaeology)
Miss Emma Cooper (ACIfA)
Archaeology Manager, HCUK Group
Mrs Emma Cooper (PCIfA)
Forensic Scientist
Miss Abby Cooper (MCIfA)
Senior Archaeologist
Mr Martyn Cooper (MCIfA)
Senior Heritage Consultant, Mott MacDonald
Ms Hester Cooper-Reade (MCIfA)
Business Manager, Albion Archaeology
Mr Paul Cope-Faulkner (MCIfA)
Senior Manager, Archaeological Project Services
Mr Phil Copleston (ACIfA)
Senior Development Officer (Historic Environment), Cornwall Council
Mr Andrew Copp (MCIfA)
Mr Mike Corbishley (MCIfA)
Honorary Associate Professor in Heritage Education
Dr Nick Corcos (MCIfA)
Contract Archaeologist (Historic Landscape Analysis, DBA, Excavation & Recording, Avon Archaeology Limited
Nathalie Cordel (Affiliate)