Directory of Accredited Professionals
The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR.
Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.
The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.
Mr David Green (MCIfA)
Landscape Assessment Manager
Dr Cheryl Green (MCIfA)
Director, Context One Heritage and Archaeology
Mr Francis Green (MCIfA)
Visiting Fellow Bournemouth University
Mr Michael Greene (PCIfA)
Self-employed Archaeologist
Dr Pamela Greenwood (MCIfA)
Dr Derwin Richard Gregory (PCIfA)
Dr Jane Grenville (MCIfA)
Dr Greggory Griffin (MCIfA)
Chartered Heritage Consultant
Mrs Laura Griffin (ACIfA)
Senior Finds Archaeologist
Mr Simon Griffin (MCIfA)
Head of Discipline - Jacobs Archaeology and Heritage
Mrs Grace Griffith (ACIfA)
Publications Officer, Cotswold Archaeology Milton Keynes Office
Mr Adrian Griffiths (MCIfA)
Conservation Officer
Miss D M Griffiths (MCIfA)
Dr Cyllene Griffiths (ACIfA)
Heritage Officer, BBNPA
Dr David Griffiths (MCIfA)
Reader in Archaeology, Oxford University
Mr Adam Griffiths (ACIfA)
Assistant Archaeological Officer, Archaeology Warwickshire
Dr Seren Griffiths (MCIfA)
Lecturer in Archaeology
Mr Joe Groarke (MCIfA)
Senior Archaeological Consultant