Directory of Accredited Professionals

The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR. 

Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.

The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.

MCIfA = Member, ACIfA = Associate, PCIfA = Practitioner

Mr Peter Banks (PCIfA)

Finds Officer, Cotswold Archaeology Milton Keynes Office

Mr Kevin Barber (ACIfA)

Cultural Heritage Consultant, Arup

Mr Luke Barber (MCIfA)

Freelance Finds Specialist

Miss Katharine Barber (MCIfA)

Associate Partner-Heritage Team Leader London and South-East, Purcell (UK) Ltd

Mr Jordan Barbour (PCIfA)

Senior Project Archaeologist, GUARD Archaeology Ltd

Dr Alistair Barclay (MCIfA)

Principal Post-excavation Manager, Andover, Cotswold Archaeology

Dr Craig Barclay (MCIfA)

Head of Museums, Galleries & Exhibitions

Prof Graeme Barker (MCIfA)

Retired / Senior Fellow at University of Cambridge

Mrs Joanne Barker (MCIfA)

Post-excavation Manager, Cotswold Archaeology

Mr Peter Barker (MCIfA)


Miss Natalie Barker (ACIfA)

Assistant Heritage Consultant, AtkinsRéalis Heritage service

Mr Nigel Barker (MCIfA)


Mr Jonathan Barkley (MCIfA)

Archaeological Project Director, Northern Archaeological Consultancy Ltd

Ms Silvia Barlassina (ACIfA)

Planning Archaeologist, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology - incorporating L – P : Archaeology)

Dr John Barnatt (MCIfA)


Mr Ian Barnes (MCIfA)

Senior Archaeologist (Collaboration & Capacity Building Strategy), Historic England

Mrs Serena Barnes (MCIfA)

Mr Ian Barnes (MCIfA)

Archaeology and Heritage Team Lead

Dr Catherine Barnett (MCIfA)

Technical Director, Environment, Archaeology & Heritage

Dr Pier Matteo Barone (MCIfA)

Senior Lecturer