Directory of Accredited Professionals
The directory includes accredited professionals who have given permission to include their details in line with GDPR.
Entries are from live data and, although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, CIfA shall not be liable for any errors or omissions.
The Institute will not be liable for any matter arising from the employment or engagement of any such individual. If you have any concerns about the professional conduct of an accredited member in relation to their archaeological practice, please see our professional conduct page.
Mr Robbie Luxford (PCIfA)
Miss Hannah Lycett-Smith (PCIfA)
Project Archaeologist, Archaeology Wales (incorporating Archaeology England)
Mr Rob Lynch (MCIfA)
Managing Director
Mr Michael Lynes (PCIfA)
, Heneb (formerly Clwyd-Powys, Dyfed, Glamorgan-Gwent and Gwynedd Archaeological Trusts) Gwynedd office
Ms Alice Lyons (MCIfA)
Project Officer Post-Excavation (Prehistoric and Roman)
Miss Immogen Lyons (ACIfA)
Heritage Consultant, Dalcour Maclaren
Mr Man Kwong Ma (Affiliate)
Curator (Archaeology)
Dr John Mabbitt (MCIfA)
Technical Director, Historic Environment, Royal Haskoning DHV
Mr Stephen Macaulay (MCIfA)
Regional Manager
Ms Alison MacDonald (ACIfA)
Historic Environment Adviser (Area Support - East and East Midlands), Forestry Commission
Ms Fiona Macdonald (MCIfA)
Principal Archaeologist, Berkshire Archaeology
Mrs Erica Macey-Bracken (ACIfA)
Finds Supervisor
Mr Kenneth Macfadyen (MCIfA)
Archaeologist/Senior Historic Buildings Specialist
Dr Gavin MacGregor (MCIfA)
Dr Sara Machin (ACIfA)
Senior Specialist and Post-excavation coordinator, Headland Archaeology
Mr Andrew Macintosh (ACIfA)
Project Officer, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Ltd
Ms Catherine MacIver (MCIfA)
Project Manager at AOC Archaeology, AOC Archaeology Group
Mr Donnie Mackay (MCIfA)
Self Employed Writer and Photographer - retired archaeological surveyor
Dr Roderick Mackenzie (MCIfA)
Freelance Archaeometallurgist