Thank you for applying to upgrade your CIfA membership!
Please note that you CAN save and return to this form prior to submission - just click the 'Save draft' button available at the foot of each section.
What information do we require?
Please ensure you have read the relevant application guidance. You should have all the information detailed in this guidance ready before completing this form. A completed Statement of Competence template can either be uploaded, or the details can be written directly into the form.
If any documents for upload are larger than 6MB, or you have more than five to submit, then you will need to use a file sharing platform (e.g. WeTransfer). Sharing links should be sent to
Once submitted we will send you a confirmation email, please allow up to one week.
GDPR and accessibility
You can find out more about the personal information we hold and why in our GDPR policy statement.
While our online application is designed to improve accessibility, other formats are available on request. If you have any issues accessing information on our website please contact us at