Cat Gibbs

Advisory Council committee member
Cat Gibbs portrait
Cat Gibbs

I have been a member of the Advisory Council since the Charter launch, first as Diggers’ Forum (DF) rep, then as an elected member and more recently Vice Chair. If I’m being truthful, I accidentally volunteered for the role at a DF AGM and had no idea what I was getting myself into; luckily for me it was the first meeting for everyone.

Advisory Council's role is to discuss what the Institute should be doing for its members. The topics at the first meeting included CIfA’s policy positions and advocacy priorities. My views and opinions were directly influencing the futurework of CIfA. I often get asked ‘What is CIfA doing for me?’ and as a Council member I (we) have a say in that.

For the past few years we have been discussing, amongst other things, individual Chartership. For my part, both as a representative of the Diggers’ Forum, and personally as a Digger myself, I wanted to make sure that this is something that will be achievable for all of us.

I think there is a perception that anyone who isn’t MCIfA doesn’t have a say in the Institute’s work, but as a PCIfA member I can honestly say this is not the case. I am fortunate that my employer allows me the time to attend meetings, and other Registered Organisations should do this too. The issues that matter to me and the DF membership can be raised, discussed and our views heard on all topics.