Jacqui Matthews

Applying for Associate
Jacqui Matthews portrait
Jacqui Matthews

I started at Cambridge Archaeological Trust (CAT) in 2000 as a Post Excavation Finds Officer to supervise processing of artefacts and to identify, record and manage bulk finds solely for the Whitefriars excavation, ‘The Big Dig’. This became one of the largest urban excavations ever undertaken in the UK, employing over 200 professional archaeologists over four years. For the duration, our unit was in mobile portacabins, and within six years, the team moved within Canterbury five times, along with the ever-increasing number of bulk finds being managed and processed. It was here that I found I possess the skill of rapid improvisation and ‘thinking on my feet’ to ensure our adapted finds system remained effective and efficient. Working on such a high-profile, challenging project combined with intense media interest was a very steep learning curve.

I’m now based at the main office for CAT and with the experience gained working on the Whitefriars project, almost nothing in my daily work environment at this busy professional unit leaves me daunted or fazed!

Gaining accreditation with CIfA has been satisfying and rewarding, and to be included with other highly esteemed members and colleagues has given me a sense of validation.