Since becoming a member of the IfA in 2002, my career has taken several twists and turns, and I have lived and worked all over the UK and abroad. My lucky break occurred straight after university, when I landed a job at Stratascan in Worcestershire and was fortunate to go out to Zeugma in Turkey to carry out GPR surveys over the remains of the city. However, being a Lancashire lad, I yearned for the North and landed a job at OA North, where I was very happy and progressed from site assistant to senior project manager during my 10-plus years there.
Several consultancy, management and senior management roles later, I was running my own business following redundancy at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. After Christmas, I took up the role of Head of Archaeology at ARS Ltd and have recently upgraded to MCIfA. I have been lucky to gain many lifelong friends within the profession and I’d like to thank all those who have supported and helped me along the way; it’s been a blast!