Kirsty Owen

Upgrading to Member
Kirsty Owen portrait
Kirsty Owen

The longer you put something off, the more daunting it can seem, and that was certainly the case with my application to upgrade to MCIfA. When I started in my current role as Deputy Head of Archaeology at Historic Environment Scotland, I made a promise to my new line manager that I would upgrade my accreditation from ACIfA. Historic Environment Scotland is very supportive of its staff joining professional organisations. As the lead body for the historic environment in Scotland, it is important that we are seen to be supporting best practice in archaeology. I have a leading role in the delivery of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy for Historic Environment Scotland. We are partnered with CIfA in the delivery of the Strategy and support their drive to accredit archaeological skills and to ensure that appropriate training is available to everyone who is interested in archaeology.

Fast forward six years, and I have finally submitted my application and am now MCIfA! The statement of competence took the most time. I worked on it for over a week, completing it in sections as my workload allowed, and then wondered what I’d made so much fuss about. My advice is just to start writing, and you’ll find it is nowhere near as intimidating as you thought it would be.