Otis Gilbert

CIfA committee member
Otis Gilbert portrait
Otis Gilbert

As a professional association we thrive on volunteers to make decisions, organise events and help shape the future of the profession. All CIfA committees are open to all accredited levels of membership (PCIfA, ACIfA, and MCIfA), and it is vital that all members are represented and involved. I am a field technician at Wessex Archaeology in Sheffield, and I decided that CIfA could do with more representation of Practitioner accredited members on committees, to balance out the more senior voices.

As a member of the Registration Committee I have had the opportunity to understand the process our Registered Organisations go through and provide a voice from an early career professional’s perspective. This helps to remind other members about the valid views of the Practitioner accredited members keeping projects going in the field.

I am also a committee member of New Generation Group, which represents the interests of early career professionals. Area and Special Interest Groups welcome new committee members at their annual general meetings, revitalising our professional community.