Pippa Ketley

Upgrading to Practitioner
Pippa Ketley portrait
Pippa Ketley

I currently work as an archivist at Museum of London Archaeology, following on from a role in post-excavation processing. Working at MOLA allows me to work on sites of varying scales and types (eg, urban, rural, infrastructure) and work with finds from different time periods and geographic regions, so my job is always busy and varied.

I had previously been a student member of CIfA but had not had the opportunity to apply for Practitioner accreditation until I started my current role. This year I have attended two conferences, including the CIfA Archive Group conference and AGM; this was an excellent opportunity for me to meet colleagues working in commercial and museum settings and learn and collaborate with each other.

If you are thinking of applying, don’t be put off by the information asked for in your statement of competence. For your current role, break it down and write about how you achieve each area of the criteria in your role. They are there for you to show the importance you place on your role and how it benefits archaeology. If you are unsure, ask the applications team at CIfA – they are really helpful and friendly.