Sarahjayne Clements

Advisory Services Archaeologist
Sarajayne Clements stands in front of a desk with computer.
Sarahjayne in her home office with an electronic sit/stand desk and anti-fatigue mat to help with her conditions. © S.Clements

I finished a BA in Ancient History and Egyptology in 2010 and a Masters in Archaeology in 2011. I have always undertaken a lot of voluntary work, work experience and CPD (continual professional development). I got a trainee community archaeology placement with RCAHMW in 2013 which was sponsored by the Council for British Archaeology, and I have remained in the sector since, doing a variety of different roles including commercial archaeology and working for PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme). I am an Associate level member of CIfA.

I currently work part time for the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust as an Advisory Services Archaeologist.  Currently I cannot work full time due to disability and, as higher-level positions are often full-time, fewer hours can slow career progression. However it has been very helpful having flexibility such as working from home which this role often allows, especially as I have young children.

My job entails working on the HER (Historic Environment Record) where I add and maintain records. I also work on heritage management cases when required where I comment on work outside of the planning system and deal with non-commercial enquiries. The job involves a lot of GIS (Geographic Information System) use and extracting data. Skills such as attention to detail, patience, good time management, organisation, good customer service and communication skills, ability to move between different tasks and work between different projects are required. Good I.T skills are also very beneficial for this role.

I am also the social media officer for the Enabled Archaeology Foundation which not only involves running the Twitter account and website but also things like training, looking for networking opportunities and finding and creating content. I am on the CIfA committee for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (E, D&I) as well as the advisory council. These roles involve giving advice on E, D&I issues and making and suggesting changes.  I am studying part time for a Doctorate at the University of Hertfordshire where I am researching disability inclusion with a focus on the workplace and chronic illness. I am also an assistant leader of the online YAC in Wales (Young Archaeologists Club).

You can find out more in this article from The Archaeologist ‘Archaeology and M.E. chronic illness in the workplace’.

Twitter: @SarahjayneC88