21st-century Challenges for Archaeology

2020 - ongoing
Historic England

The 21st-century challenges for archaeology programme aims to improve archaeological practice in England. Led by Historic England and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, the programme brings together colleagues from across the archaeology sector to deliver key improvements in how archaeology is understood and managed, and how it engages with its different audiences. For more details see the Historic England website.

Logos of organisations involved in the 21st Century Challanges for Archaeology programme.

Background, work to date and references

2019 - present

A follow up to this project commenced in 2019 and involved a review of the original workshop recommendations and the creation of a collaborative work programme for delivery involving several organisations. This work is currently ongoing and involves sector wide collaboration led by Historic England and CIfA.


In 2017 CIfA, in partnership with and funded by Historic England, convened a series of six discussions workshops on important issues within the archaeology sector in England. More than 150 individuals attended the workshops and over 70 people contributed to the online discussions. This project completed in 2018 (see below for the final report).

2018 Project report

The project reports can be accessed below.