CIfA Conference 2023

We intend to host CIfA2023 as a livestreamed conference, hosted live in Nottingham UK and streamed online. We hope this will offer attendees the same flexibility they experienced in 2022, but learn from our experiences to allow for the best digital user experience.

CIfA2023 will incorporate keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions and training workshops in a live and virtual forum. Across the conference, we will discuss current professional issues, showcase new developments, and present research in archaeology and the wider heritage sector. Our conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, attracting hundreds of participants across the heritage environment sector. Download the full programme, below:

Recordings - Wednesday

Opening address: Welcome to a sustainable future

Inclusive Futures

Building a Sustainable Future

Communicating the Value of Professional Archaeology

An Introduction to QGIS

Recordings - Thursday

Thinking Outside of the Box: Sustainable future for atypical archives

The Scope and Nature of Forensic Archaeology

Drones and Landscape Survey: Balancing imagery and interpretation

Archaeological ethics for the modern world?

A Foot in the Future and a Foot in the Past: Pushing practice and leaving a sustainable legacy

International Cultural Heritage: Applying professional standards and skills in challenging environments

Recordings - Friday

Heritage Sustainability for Climate and Nature

Mapping Archaeological Careers

Fit for Whose Purpose? The role of written schemes of investigation and project designs

Closing Conversation