We intend to host CIfA2023 as a livestreamed conference, hosted live in Nottingham UK and streamed online. We hope this will offer attendees the same flexibility they experienced in 2022, but learn from our experiences to allow for the best digital user experience.
CIfA2023 will incorporate keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions and training workshops in a live and virtual forum. Across the conference, we will discuss current professional issues, showcase new developments, and present research in archaeology and the wider heritage sector. Our conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, attracting hundreds of participants across the heritage environment sector. Download the full programme, below:
CIfA Conference 2023 - programme (PDF | 321.83 KB)
Recordings - Wednesday
Opening address: Welcome to a sustainable future
- Overview of CIfA’s work on equality, diversity and inclusion - Pen Foreman
- Overview of CIfA’s work around climate change - Hannah Fluck
- Overview of CIfA and UAUK’s work on accredited degrees - Ben Jennings
- Overview of CIfA’s work on Apprenticeships - Cara Jones
- Overview of CIfA’s work on professional ethics - Peter Hinton
Inclusive Futures
- Remaining sustainable through inclusive employment practices - Sarahjayne Clements
- Come one come all: Inclusive archaeology in Hull - Peter Connelly
- Best practice guidelines for historic building surveys - Victoria MacEwen
- Council for British Archaeology, Festival of Archaeology: striving towards inclusion - Debbie Frearson
- Interactive documentary - Claire Corkill and Zulfiya Hamzaki
Building a Sustainable Future
- Building a sustainable future through co-creation and innovation; the need to respond to climate change and digital transformation - Rob Early, WSP
- Harnessing your greatest resource in a climate emergency - Caroline Raynor, Costain
- Future-proofing the sector: investing in skills and widening participation - Amy Atkins, MOLA
- Is Archaeology a Sustainable Career?: An Early Career Perspective - Megan Schlanker, MOLA
- Systems based on structural inequalities cannot be reformed, they must be totally reimagined - Pen Foreman, British Museum
- 21st-Century Challenges for Archaeology’: key developments and future directions - Barney Sloane, Historic England
- Sustainability Through Archaeology - common goods and systemic public benefit - Gavin MacGregor, Archaeology Scotland
Communicating the Value of Professional Archaeology
- Key messaging: what is it, why’s it important, CIfA’s key messages 2023 - Stephen O’Reilly and Peter Hinton
- Getting CIfA key messages across to co-professionals and clients - Stephen O’Reilly
- Getting CIfA key messages across to policymakers - Rob Lennox
- Interactive session: how you the delegates can use key messaging in your own comms, the importance of language, aligning with CIfA key messages, and being better at comms - Maria Bellissimo and Stephen O’Reilly
An Introduction to QGIS
- An introduction to QGIS part 1, Phoebe Wild and Ellie Winter
- An introduction to QGIS part 2
- An introduction to QGIS part 3
Recordings - Thursday
Thinking Outside of the Box: Sustainable future for atypical archives
- Sorting the sheds out: tackling community group archives in Northamptonshire - Ben Donnelly-Symes
- Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, so do our archives... - Duncan Brown
- Domesticating ...dinosaurs: MOLA’s perspective on depositing legacy archives - Theodora Anastasiadou
- Ensuring future access to geoarchaeological and environmental archives - Andy Howard & Kristina Krawiec
- Diving into the digital archives of the Earl of Abergavenny - Alison James & Lucy Watkins
- Archiving the un-archaeological archaeologically - Hester Cooper-Reade
- Aerial photography: from unexploded bombs to global warming: why getting material online is vital in the age of the pandemic - Paul Wardle
- Archives before they are archives: how we gather what gets preserved - Thomas Cromwell
- Digital archives: can changes in workflows improve accessibility? - Teagan Zoldoske
- Are atypical archives FAIR? Exploring reuse in non-traditional digital archives - Nicky Garland
The Scope and Nature of Forensic Archaeology
- The role of the forensic archaeologist in UK casework - Alastair Vannan
- Current Forensic Archaeological practices in Ireland - Aidan Harte
- Role of archaeologists in licensed exhumations - Rob Janaway
- Finding Private Alan: The archaeology to remove a name from the Menin Gate - Richard Osgood
- Identifying Ukraine’s War Dead: Long term civil-military considerations - Sarah Ashbridge
- Uncovering the Missing: The Role of Forensic Archaeology and Advanced Technology in Solving Missing Persons Cases - Matteo Barone
Drones and Landscape Survey: Balancing imagery and interpretation
- Drones and landscape survey balancing imagery and interpretation
- 'An essentially English form of sport': earthwork survey through the 20th century and beyond - Mark Bowden
- With an eye in the sky and feet on the ground - Olaf Bayer, Historic England
- The Veiled Landscape: LiDAR survey, interpretation and ground truthing at Sherwood Pines, Nottinghamshire - Chris Casswell, Reclaim Heritage CIC
- Ways of seeing and surveying in archaeological education - Bob Johnston, Colin Merrony, Tom Millington, Andres Perez Arana and John Roberts, Guglielmo Strapazzon. Sheffield University
- UAS Geospatial Survey: Data Acquisition and Interpretation - Adam Stanford & Scott Williams, Sumo GeoSurveys
- ARS Landscape Prospection Service (LPS): depicting multi-proxy data for enhanced landscape evaluation - Joel Goodchild, Archaeological Research Services
- Considerations for the effective use of UAS-mounted multispectral sensors for archaeological prospection and landscape modelling - Nicholas Crabb, Brighton University
Archaeological ethics for the modern world?
- The register of professional Archaeologists - Kenneth Aitchison
- Revising the code of conduct - Peter Hinton
- A Contract - Joe Abrams
- Archaeologoical Ethics for the Modern World - Leonora O'Brien
- Language of the code of conduct - Paul Belford
- Is the CIfA code of conduct out of date? - Alex Llewellyn
A Foot in the Future and a Foot in the Past: Pushing practice and leaving a sustainable legacy
- Deep time: Collective intelligence and the search for our past - Brendon Wilkins
- Multidisciplinary approach to community engagement in Scottish commercial archaeology - Emily Johnston
- Heritage legacies on major infrastructure projects: Who’s heritage is it anyway? - Tom Brindle
- A chartered future? Working towards a sustainable model of professionalism that we can all buy in to - Kate Geary
- Historic landscape characterisation and HS2 - Emily Plunkett
- Business unusual: What can archaeology contribute to key debates in sustainability? - Mark Williams
- Implementing the Historic Environment Research and Delivery Strategy (HERDS) for HS2 Phase 1 - John Halsted
- 'The Greenest Buildings': heritage conservation and the need for adaptive reuse - Alison Edwards
- ESRI platform using GIS Story Maps - Adam Fraser & Catherine Tappenden
International Cultural Heritage: Applying professional standards and skills in challenging environments
- Welcome and introduction - Leo O’Brien
- The challenge of establishing a ‘level playing field’ for professional standards – the delivery of global standards supported by local guidance - Jen Parker Wooding & Peter Hinton
- Coordinating guidelines on the use of lidar across Europe for the European Archaeological Council - Rebecca Bennett
- Initiative for Sustainable Development in Africa: developing guidance on intangible cultural heritage and local indigenous and descendant communities- Gerald Wait
- Monitoring of the management of cultural heritage impacts and mitigation processes implemented on the Dar es Salaam to Makutupora Railway, Tanzania - Ruth Humphreys, with contributions from Daniel Lyaniva and Maisory Chacha
Recordings - Friday
Heritage Sustainability for Climate and Nature
- The power of investigation with purpose for lean working and emissions reduction - Emily Plunkett, HS2
- Lynne Ceeney, Hertfordshire County Council
- Environment agency and sustainability and carbon - Olivia Merritt
- Accelerating archaeology in the National Trust: the Peak District experience - Philippa Puzey-Broomhead, National Trust
- AI-derived knowledge from national automated mapping of archaeology and landscape features on earth observation data and historic maps - Iris Kramer, Archiai
- HLC approaches for future sustainable land use - Sam Turner, Newcastle University
- National Trust - Tom Dommett, National Trust Head of Historic Environment
Mapping Archaeological Careers
Fit for Whose Purpose? The role of written schemes of investigation and project designs
- WSI’s – What’s the point? - Matt Parker Wooding, Coventry City Council
- Project designs for the natural and historic environment - Kat Hopwood-Lewis, Natural England
- Hindrance or Help? Archaeology and Urban Development: Two case studies from Leicester - Mathew Morris, University of Leicester Archaeological Services
- WS – Why? Trying to find purpose and clarity in project designs - Iain Williamson, AECOM