Today the first Salary benchmarking report for the UK is published.
Purpose of the report
Salary benchmarking is widely used to compare salaries for different roles within a profession, track how salaries have changed over time or in relation to inflation or other benchmarks and compare salaries for roles in one profession against equivalent roles in similar professions.
For 2024, we benchmarked archaeological salaries using data from job adverts posted on CIfA’s Jobs Information Service bulletin (JIST) and the British Archaeological Jobs Resource (BAJR) from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
The benchmarking highlighted minimum, maximum and average salaries for a sample of job roles chosen to represent different sub-sectors and levels of seniority across the public, private and third sectors. Job roles were also mapped to CIfA accreditation grades to show minimum, maximum and average advertised salaries for roles requiring Practitioner (PCIfA), Associate (ACIfA) and Member (MCIfA) level competence.
The average advertised salaries for PCIfA, ACIfA and MCIfA level roles were also compared with equivalent roles from other sectors including construction, surveying, museums, ecology and environmental management.
You can find out more about the methodology and results of the benchmarking on our CIfA and pay page.