As the latest release in the 50 Finds series from the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), the 50 Early Medieval Finds offers a fascinating and insightful look into the material culture of early medieval Britain. This book showcases a diverse collection of discoveries, found by members of the public and reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme, which has over 1.5 million records of artefacts recovered throughout England and Wales. The book offers a glimpse into the early medieval period, which spans roughly from the 5th to the 11th century. Each of the 50 artifacts featured is a testament to the richness of this transformative era, revealing aspects of daily life, religion, craftsmanship, and trade.
The book is structured into chronologically, with each chapter highlighting a different facet of early medieval life. The sections include items associated with religion, military, trade, personal adornment, and everyday life. Each artifact is accompanied by detailed descriptions, contextual background, and high-quality photographs or drawings, that make the book both educational and visually engaging. For instance, readers will encounter the beautifully crafted Anglo-Saxon brooches, including the Staffordshire Hoard, as well as exquisite coins, and intricately designed weapons that reflect the cultural and economic exchanges occurring during this period. Examples given are mostly related to metal objects, however several objects demonstrate glasswork, a Coventry Ogham stone and a real highlight, a complete single leather shoe. The accompanying narratives, albeit brief, explain how the objects fit into the larger historical context, whether it be the spread of Christianity, the Viking invasions, or the rise of early English kingdoms.
By showcasing these 50 objects, the authors Jo Ahmet and Simon Maslin, in their experience as archaeologists and Finds Liaison Officers, not only contributes to a deeper understanding of early medieval history but also underlines the importance of collaboration between PAS, archaeologists, anthropologists and the members of the public.
50 Early Medieval Finds from the Portable Antiquities Scheme is a not a comprehensive resource book, however whether you're an archaeologist, a history enthusiast, or a student of the early medieval period, this book is an essential addition to your collection.