50 Finds from Staffordshire: Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme / 50 Finds from Worcestershire

2019  |  Teresa Gillmore / Victoria Allnatt
Reviewed by Reviewed by Neil Pinchbeck, PCIfA

Amberley Publishing
£14.99 (both publications)

The Portable Antiquity Scheme series 50 FINDS FROM... is organised, like the Scheme itself, on a county basis and several have already been covered. These two latest titles follow the series format of a 96 page paperback with a foreword by Michael Lewis, Head of Portable Antiquities and Treasure at the British Museum. An introduction includes maps locating the finds and a description of the landscape from which they come.

The initial impression of both titles is one of generosity. The numerous photographs and occasional drawings obviously cover much more than the 50 finds of the title. In fact each is amplified by extra examples of related objects from the same area.

Since a major role of the Portable Antiquities Scheme has become the mitigation of metal detecting, it is not surprising that following a section on lithics, almost all of the finds are metal. This by no means diminishes the interest and variety on offer, which ranges from coins and cannon balls to the Staffordshire Hoard and the Leekfrith Torcs. My personal favourite is a 19thC. denture from East Staffordshire.

The main texts are arranged chronologically in sections headed The Stone Ages, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British, Early Medieval, Medieval and Post-Medieval periods. Both Teresa Gilmore and Victoria Allnatt are to be congratulated on producing a lively and concise history of their region. Vividly illustrated by the finds, this provides a marvellous resource for a variety of readers.

Great gifts for enthusiastic amateurs, these books provide a valuable quick update for professional archaeologists. Ideal "primers" on local history for teachers, they would also be a good introduction for older students.

Both titles close with recommended further reading and the Staffordshire edition has the added interest of suggested places to visit. More for your money than 50 finds indeed.