AAG Conference 2019 - Selection strategies for archaeological archives: Making archaeological archives sustainable



General information

See below for session information. Downloads for sessions can be found at the foot of this page.

Session 1

  • 1a. Rationalising archives in museums to create space: the case studies
  • 1b. Introducing the CIfA Selection Toolkit: a Toolkit to aid in the selection of the working project archive (See abstract above)
  • 1c. A survey of archaeological archive selection practice in Europe
  • 1d. Will the new Selection Toolkit make my job as an Archives Officer easier?

Session 2

  • 2a. Work digital / think archive: collecting and selecting digital data for sustainable archaeological archives
  • 2b. Not the end of the Line: data selection and sustainability in the Crossrail archive part 1 
    2b. Not the end of the Line: part 2
  • 2c. Making an informed choice: selecting wreck material for archive deposition

Session 3

  • 3a. The end of GIGO? On-site prioritization of archaeological material recovery: marine shells as an example
  • 3b. Talking Toolkits – the experience of applying the Toolkit to a commercial site (See abstract above)
  • 3c. Large projects v small: how easily does one size of Toolkit fit all? (See abstract above)