2. Group management
These documents are to support you in running a group. Key contacts are your fellow committee members and CIfA's Member Engagement Coordinator (groups@archaeologists.net).
2.1 Group three year plan template to identify which activities your group wish to carry out over a three-year period, and for succession. They are flexible documents and owned by you. This plan allows CIfA to allocate staff time to help support you and confirm budgets.
2.2 Committee meeting agenda and minutes template - please submit these for upload to your group's webpage within a month of the meeting.
2.3 Annual General Meeting (AGM) agenda and minutes template - please submit these for upload to your group's webpage within a month of the meeting.
2.4 AGM counter - please use this to help calculate when you need to let the group know about your AGM and to allow time for nominations.
2.5 Specialist competence matrices have been developed by Group committees to help applicants for CIfA accreditation and are reviewed every 3 years.
Specialist competence matrices
2.6 Annual Report Template can be used to submit information needed for the group reports for the period of August 2023 to July 2024.
2.7 The Annual Groups Calendar can be used to support committee planning, and to give an oversight of dates throughout the year for committees to be aware of.