Sabrina Ki, PCIfA

CIfA online bursary recipient
Portrait photograph of Sabrina Ki

Thanks to the conference bursary I could attend CIfA2022 as an online participant. I would also like to thank the Early Careers Group for ensuring their session speakers (like myself) would have free attendance on the day.

CIfA2022’s platform, Cadence, remains the most user-friendly one that I have experience with, and I particularly liked the ‘My Schedule’ feature that builds a personalised session schedule. As a recent graduate who is actively applying for work and PhD opportunities, being able to keep up to date with developments in theory and practice has been immensely valuable. Session recordings also mean that I can watch ones I missed or revisit particularly interesting insights in the session chats - for example, I am currently catching up with sessions on forensic archaeology and academic and early careers research.

A session I particularly enjoyed was about enabled archaeology, which introduced me to new people and drew my attention to York Archaeological Trust’s JORVIK Group – and a few months later, I am now about to start volunteering with them! In addition to online CPD and networking, being able to attend CIfA2022 has thus also led me to further opportunities offline.

Thank you again and I look forward to CIfA2023!