Planning Case Study 10

Land south of junction, A41/Pave Lane, Newport, Shropshire

Dates: 2016-2018

Planning scenario(s)

1 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant new heritage assets
7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission

Heritage assets affected

Undesignated historic assets with archaeological and historic interest.

Type of application & broad category


Local planning authority

Authority: Telford and Wrekin Council

References: TWC/2016/0437

Development proposal

Proposed quarry for the extraction of sand and gravel and importation of inert fill material for the restoration of the site.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

No heritage assets were recorded on the application site.

Archaeological/planning processes

Shropshire Council (advising the LPA) has a policy of requesting a desk-based assessment and a field evaluation on all proposed development sites over 5ha in area. Below that threshold for assessment and evaluation requirements will depend on an assessment of archaeological potential based on the HER and associated, readily accessible, sources (e.g. Tithe and other historic Ordnance Survey maps, aerial photographic information, LiDAR data).

Pre-determination evaluation of the proposed mineral extraction site was therefore requested in line with this policy and with the recommendations of the Shropshire Minerals Resource Assessment 2013. The evaluation located the truncated remains of a single-ditched enclosure of possible Roman date.

A pre-commencement planning condition to enable strip, map and sample recording was recommended.

Outcomes: archaeological

The application was subsequently considered at a planning inquiry which dismissed an appeal against non-determination in 2018 (APP/C3240/W/17/3167459).

References and links/bibliography

Pre-Construct Archaeology 2016, Archaeological desk-based assessment: Pave Lane Quarry, Shropshire. Unpublished report.

Pre-Construct Geophysics 2016, Geophysical survey on proposed quarry site, Pave Lane. Unpublished report.

Pre-Construct Archaeological Services 2016, Land at Pave Lane, Telford, Shropshire: archaeological evaluation report. Unpublished report.