Planning Case Study 100

Park View – site of, The Street, Sedlescombe, East Sussex

Dates: 2003-2010

Planning scenario(s)

6 - Post-determination assessment/evaluation identified heritage assets of national importance or substantial in scale and complexity
7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest.

Type of application & broad category

Minor, residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Rother District Council

References: RR/2003/1617; RR/2004/3642/P; RR/2004/3717/H; RR/2009/3066/P; RR/2010/1131/P

Development proposal

  • RR/2003/1617 application for demolition of Park view and outbuildings buildings and election of 7 houses: refused; appeal dismissed.
  • RR/2004/3642/P application for 4 houses and demolition of Park View and outbuildings: refused; allowed at appeal. Pre-commencement archaeology condition included in the permission.
  • RR/2004/3717/H Conservation Area Consent for demolition of Park View and outbuildings; approved with archaeology pre-commencement condition.
  • RR/2009/3066/P Construction of 4 houses; withdrawn.
  • RR/2010/1131/P Amended application for 4 houses approved with archaeology condition.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

A Conservation Area with surviving historic buildings and the site of a medieval monastic tannery recorded on the HER. Archaeological potential enhanced by riverside location.

Archaeological/planning processes

A pre-determination assessment recommended by archaeological advisors to the LPA in response to an application in 2003. This was not undertaken due to objections from the developer.

Permission was granted in 2004 with a planning condition, specifying a programme of archaeological work. A desk-based assessment was produced in 2007 and a post-determination evaluation was undertaken in 2008 together with historic building recording in advance of demolition. Well- preserved post-medieval tannery remains were discovered and the buildings provided evidence from 17th to 19th century.

The planning application was re-submitted in 2009 and again 2010. The development then became financially unviable and the application was withdrawn due to the costs of archaeological excavation and the effects of the financial crash.

Outcomes: archaeological

A subsequent developer was able to re-design, undertake sufficient sample excavation and secure preservation in situ of the remainder of the important archaeology. Investigation of the waterlogged deposits was also minimised to retain the viability of the development. This was achieved by a combination of piling, rafting of foundations and the moving of some of the proposed buildings.

References and links/bibliography

  • Wessex Archaeology 2007, Park View, The Street, Sedlescombe, East Sussex Archaeological Desk-based Assessment. Unpublished report, Wessex Archaeology report no. 64730-02.
  • Wessex Archaeology 2008, Park View, The Street, Sedlescombe, East Sussex, Archaeological Evaluation Report. Unpublished report, Wessex Archaeology report no. 64732-03.