Planning Case Study 172

18-25 Park Crescent and 77-81 Portland Place, London W1B 1AL

Dates: 2014-2015

Planning scenario(s)

3 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to the designation (listing or scheduling) of heritage assets

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest, subsequently scheduled.

Type of application & broad category

18-25 Park Crescent and 77-81 Portland Place, London W1B 1AL

Local planning authority

Authority: City of Westminster

References: 15/11488/LBC

Development proposal

Development site at 16, 18-25 & 26 Park Crescent & 77-81 Portland Place: Demolition and redevelopment of 16-26 Park Crescent and partial demolition of 77-81 Portland Place to provide residential accommodation (Class C3) comprising of two basement levels, lower ground, ground and first to fourth floor levels (64 flats).

The development of 8 mews properties comprising lower, ground, first and second floors within the rear courtyard of Park Crescent Mews. Creation of terraces at rear ground, third, and fourth floor levels and car-parking and plant in the basement of the Park Crescent property; use of part ground, lower ground and basement level as community use, associated landscaping within the rear courtyard area.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

Prior to the evaluation there was no information relating to the ice well on the HER.

Archaeological/planning processes

A reference to an ice well was found by the conservation officer dealing with the application. It suggested that the top of a large ice well had been uncovered by builders in the 1960s.

An archaeological evaluation was subsequently carried out in order to locate the ice well, using the source discovered by the conservation officer.

The evaluation successfully located and recorded a rare, almost intact, early commercial ice well and the structure appeared to be in very good condition.

Outcomes: archaeological

The proposals were subsequently redesigned to ensure the protection of the ice well. It lay within the vehicle access to the site, so detailed engineering plans had to be submitted which ensured that weight of the vehicles would not be loaded onto the ice well.

The ice well was subsequently designated as a scheduled monument and redesigns to the development took place to ensure the protection of the monument.

Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices

Public access to the ice well will be possible through pre-arranged visits.

References and links/bibliography

  • Historic England List Entry Number: 1427239.
  • MoLA 2015, Park Crescent West, London, W1, City of Westminster: Watching Brief interim report. Unpublished report.
  • MoLA 2015, Park Crescent West, London, W1, City of Westminster: Pre- determination evaluation report. Unpublished report.
  • J Sisk and Son Ltd 2015, Park Crescent West, Development & Planning Ltd, Construction Management. Unpublished report.
  • MoLA, March 2014, 16-26 Park Crescent West, 77-81 Portland Place, London W1: Historic Environment Assessment. Unpublished report.