Planning Case Study 2

Port Salford/Salford City Road, Barton Lane, Salford (previously known as Salford City Reds development)

Dates: 2008-2013

Planning scenario(s)

1 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant new heritage assets
7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets of archaeological and historic interest

Type of application & broad category

Major, Leisure

Local planning authority

Authority: Salford City Council

References: 09/58376/FUL; 10/59697/FUL - EIA - approved 2011

Development proposal

Erection of a 12,000 capacity Community Stadium, training pitches, parking, access and associated works for Salford City Reds. Application included new access road cutting through promontory overlooking the River Irwell and defined by kink in former Barton Road line.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

No HER entries for the site but a desk based assessment in 2003, and consultation with GMAU, identified the site as a favourable topographic location for early settlement. This was based on the site being a promontory on a narrow spit of habitable land sandwiched between the expanse of wetland known as Chat Moss on one side and the River Irwell flood plain on the other.

Archaeological/planning processes

Pre-application evaluation trenching and a small 5x5m investigation in 2008 identified prehistoric and Roman remains. This suggested that the promontory was the location for multi-phase occupation in the late Mesolithic-Neolithic period and during the late Iron Age/Roman period.

Outcomes: archaeological

The above evaluation led to open area excavations in 2013 revealing a series of boundary ditches, possible hut circles, sub-circular enclosures, and a cremation.

Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices

The excavation forms part of an exhibition on Salford’s Early Past in Salford Central Station foyer. It has informed our understanding of potential early settlement sites on promontories where existing knowledge in the HER is very poor.

References and links/bibliography

  • Gregory, R. & Garratt, R. 2008, City of Salford Stadium, Barton: An Archaeological Evaluation and Building Survey. Unpublished report, University of Manchester Archaeological Unit, Report No. 44. Note: Draft final excavation report submitted but still awaiting corrected and updated version