St Mary’s Works, Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire.
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest.
Type of application & broad category
Major, residential
Local planning authority
Authority: North Lincolnshire Council
References: PA/2005/1898
Development proposal
108 dwellings.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The site is within the proto-urban core of Barton-upon-Humber which has been the subject of a major English Heritage research project on St Peter’s Church. The archaeological remains therefore have an important contribution to make to the heritage of Barton and are of regional significance for northern Lincolnshire.
Archaeological/planning processes
Limited pre-determination trial trenching in 2006 (less than 1% partly due to extant buildings) revealed medieval and earlier remains along medieval street frontage. However, the trenches placed around the periphery of the site uncovered well-preserved remains of Saxon and Medieval date, with indications that the areas which were not evaluated are also likely to contain similar significant evidence.
The application remained undetermined until 2012 during which time the buildings on site were demolished but no further evaluation was undertaken. Permission for the development was then refused by the LPA, and the reasons included incomplete archaeological assessment. The subsequent appeal was dismissed and the Inspector upheld the archaeological reason, namely that the extent of the archaeological evaluation was inadequate to agree an appropriate mitigation strategy (Appeal Ref: APP/Y2003/A/12/2179203).
The site came forward again in 2016 and more trial trenching was recommended in response to the above appeal decision, but has yet to be undertaken.
Outcomes: archaeological
An appeal for refusal on archaeological grounds was successfully dismissed.
References and links/bibliography
- Rodwell, W (with Atkins, C) 2011, St Peter's, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire - A Parish Church and its Community. Volume 1: History, Archaeology and Architecture. Oxbow Books.
- Pre-Construct Archaeology 2007, Archaeological Field Evaluation, St Mary's Works, Barton upon Humber. Unpublished report.