White Swan, Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest.
Type of application & broad category
Minor, residential
Local planning authority
Authority: North Lincolnshire Council
References: PA/2012/1175; PA/2014/0032 PA/2014/0881
Development proposal
PA/2014/0881: Outline planning permission to erect five 2/3-bedroomed townhouses.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The site lies at the head of Barton Haven, the mercantile quarter of the medieval town, which was the pre-eminent port on the Humber prior to the foundation of Kingston upon Hull in 1299. The development had the potential to destroy evidence of the medieval town and its trading heritage.
Archaeological/planning processes
The application (PA/2012/1175) was refused on archaeological grounds due to absence of pre-determination evaluation. This reason was upheld at the subsequent appeal which was dismissed (Appeal Ref: APP/Y2003/A/13/2195165).
The application was resubmitted in 2014 (PA/2014/0032) without an evaluation; permission was refused again finally prompting the applicant to commission the trial trenching. In the event, whilst some archaeology was found it was not of high significance and an appropriate mitigation strategy was agreed and conditioned on the planning permission.
Outcomes: archaeological
Appeal against refusal of application on archaeological grounds was dismissed and a second application was also refused until an evaluation was undertaken. The case demonstrates the cost benefits to prospective developers of undertaking early evaluation.
References and links/bibliography
- Network Archaeology 2014, Land to the rear of the White Swan, Barton-on- Humber: heritage assessment report. Unpublished report.