Planning Case Study 39

Chelwood, Pound Lane, Laughton, East Sussex

Dates: 2018

Planning scenario(s)

3 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to the designation (listing or scheduling) of heritage assets

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest, Listed Building

Type of application & broad category

Householder, residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Wealden District Council

References: WD/2018/0234/FR

Development proposal

Single story extension to provide ground floor bedroom, utilities and kitchen/dining space with associated landscaping to private outdoor amenity. Double timber-frame garage to replace existing single garage.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

No pre-existing record on the HER.

Archaeological/planning processes

A response to a pre-application enquiry revealed a building on the application site that was also identified on a manorial map of 1730.

The building was due to be demolished as part of the development. Pre- determination building assessment and evaluation undertaken in conjunction with the Conservation Officer led to identification of the building as being potentially of listable quality. The LPA issued a Building Preservation Order which allowed Historic England assess its significance and subsequently to List it (Grade II).

The List describes the buildings as follows: ‘a house which probably dates of from c. AD1600 or earlier; a good example of a small vernacular building which retains a significant proportion of its three-bay timber frame’.

Outcomes: archaeological

A non-designated historic building was Listed. The proposal to demolish was withdrawn and the (now) Listed Building has been restored and will be sold as part of the development.

References and links/bibliography

  • National Heritage List entry reference: 1436424.
  • Chris Butler Archaeological Services 2018, An Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at Chelwood, Pound Lane, Laughton, BN8 6BE. Unpublished report, no.0970.