Planning Case Study 40

St Francis Farm, Potmans Lane, Catsfield/Bexhill, East Sussex

Dates: 2014-2015

Planning scenario(s)

4 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to a modified development proposal

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest of national importance

Type of application & broad category

Solar farm

Local planning authority

Authority: Rother District Council

References: RR/2014/558/P

Development proposal

Solar farm covering c.25ha.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

Nothing on the HER, but a site of potential due to its size and location.

Archaeological/planning processes

A pre-determination evaluation in advance of an application to construct a solar farm led to the identification and preservation in situ of prehistoric Bronze Age burial mounds achieved through layout re-design of the solar farm.The mounds are potentially of schedulable quality.

Application approved with pre-commencement condition (no. 8) on 26/08/14.

Outcomes: archaeological

See above.

A planning condition (no. 4) includes provision for the protection of the burial mounds when the solar farm is due to revert to its former agricultural use 25 years after the commencement of the solar farm’s operation.

References and links/bibliography

  • Archaeology South-East 2014, An Archaeological Evaluation at Potmans Lane, Catsfield: Interim Summary Report. Unpublished report, no. 6753.
  • Archaeology South-East 2015, Archaeological Evaluation Report, Land to the East of Potman’s Lane, Catsfield, East Sussex. Unpublished report, no. 7103.