Land South of Doveside Drive, Wombwell, Barnsley; Land North of Everill Gate Lane, Wombwell, Barnsley.
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Habitat creation
Local planning authority
Authority: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
References: 2017/1264
Development proposal
Planning application for wetland and habitat creation schemes comprising works to two sites: Doveside (Site B, 4.4ha) and Wings Across the Ings (Site A, ‘WATI’ 9.3ha). Conversion into a nature reserve entailing extensive landscaping and excavation of 'scrapes'.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The HER had a record of cropmarks on one land parcel (Site A, WATI) so a desk-based assessment was recommended.
Archaeological/planning processes
A desk-based assessment highlighted potential for the cropmarks within Site A to be of Iron Age/ Romano-British date.
Pre-determination evaluation comprising geophysical survey and trial trenching was undertaken on Site A , the area with cropmarks.
The design for the smaller plot of land (Site B, Doveside) was changed prior to the evaluation in order to accommodate all of its groundworks within areas of very low archaeological potential, previously disturbed in the 1990s. The LPA then agreed that Site B could be scoped out of future investigations.
Geophysical survey within Area A identified anomalies consistent with a field system, two enclosures, possible kilns and an archaeologically ‘busy’ area. Trenching clarified this as a Romano-British field system and enclosures, post- medieval lime kilns, and Edwardian landfill.
The archaeological evaluation report considered the types of evidence recovered and the impact of changes to the water table upon them. Palaeo-environmental potential was considered to be low. The few finds recovered were Roman pottery, and a piece of a quern. There was some early 20th century landfill.
The design of the groundworks was then altered to take account of these results: the wetland area and scrapes were positioned over the landfill area and the bunding and the fill areas positioned over field boundaries (mostly later features). The enclosures and kilns will be preserved by being taken out of the current ploughing regime and returned to permanent grass pasture. Some mitigation by excavation will be required in areas of lesser significance.
The desk-based assessment, geophysical survey and trenching reports, along with an archaeological statement providing an overview, were all submitted as supporting information with the planning application. The archaeological advisor to the LPA recommended a pre-commencement condition to secure the mitigation.
Outcomes: archaeological
Pre-determination assessment and evaluation were applied successfully to provide greater understanding of the archaeology of the application site and to use this understanding to minimise the impact of the development (new habitat creation) on the archaeological remains.
Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices
The successful integration of natural environment habitat enhancement and creation with historic environment conservation.
The applicant has plans to enhance the story of the nature reserve with the archaeological information. A satisfying outcome all round and a job well done by the consultant.
References and links/bibliography
- Archaeological Services WYAS 2018, Wings Across The Ings, Wombwell South Yorkshire, Archaeological Evaluation Report. Unpublished report no. 3136.