Chapel Downs Farm, North of Queen Elizabeth Drive, Crediton, Devon
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Undesignated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest.
Type of application & broad category
Major, residential
Local planning authority
Authority: Mid Devon District Council
References: 17/01511/MOUT
Development proposal
Outline application for the erection of up to 120 dwellings, public open space, vehicular access and associated infrastructure.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The HER contained aerial photographic evidence of a circular cropmark in the centre of the application area.
Archaeological/planning processes
A programme of geophysical survey and field evaluation was undertaken at the request of the adviser to the LPA to support the application. This confirmed the presence of a locally significant Romano-British enclosure with evidence of possible internal building platforms, and a hut circle outside the enclosure.
Once this information was available the preservation in situ of the Romano-British enclosure – in public open space – and a pre-commencement condition for the excavation of the archaeological deposits outside the enclosure were recommended to the LPA.
Outcomes: archaeological
The proposed outcome was that the Romano-British enclosure would be preserved in situ and incorporated into redesigned circular public open space with interpretation.
However, the application was refused by the LPA on other grounds.
References and links/bibliography
- Substrata 2016, An Archaeological Magnetometer Survey: Land at Chapel Downs Farm, Crediton, Devon. Unpublished report, 1607CHA-R-1.
- AC Archaeology 2016 updated 2017, Land at Chapel Downs Farm, Crediton, Devon: Historic Environment Assessment. Unpublished report, ACD1410/1/2.
- AC Archaeology 2017, Land at Chapel Downs Farm, Crediton, Results of an archaeological trench excavation. Unpublished report, ACD1410/2/0.